
Sudoku: A view to a kill

Putting different numbers in boxes. For fun.
I like to play the soundtrack from The Imitation Game on while I’m playing, then dress like I’m in the 1940s and pretend I’m at Bletchley Park solving a code.
It can help to do these things as well;

  • Pretend you are an eccentric genius and if anyone talks to you just tear clumps of your own hair out and throw a corned beef sandwich at the wall.
  • Mutter things like ‘Damn, I need the encryption code from May 18th’
  • At random points exclaim ‘A HA! got you now Fritz.’
  • Play some Glen Miller.
  • Look wistfully at a sepia photo of your chap off fighting at the front (when in reality he’s just popped to the shop)
  • Pretend rationing is still on and spend 5 years eating no eggs.

Get the picture?

Ok good.

Now you have established the correct atmos. It’s good to get cracking actually solving the bloody thing.
The best way to do this is with a pencil. With a rubber on the end. By which I mean an eraser. There is absolutely NO point playing with a condom on the end of your pencil. Anyone attempting to do so should be immediately arrested.

The Nub of the Gist.
It’s a 9-9 grid. With 3 cubes of 9 within.
You have to make each cube contain numbers 1-9 WHILE making sure each row also has only numbers 1-9. No repetitions must occur otherwise a giant ocelot will steal your elbows.  

The ocelot can strike at any time so it’s important to be vigilant.

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