This is now an actual exam question at A-Level. Multiple
choice AND it’s a two parter.
Since the dawn of time, man has needed a place to live.
Sensibly, we have decided to make this one of the most expensive
and difficult things to achieve.
Consequently, many people need to take out a loan in order
to procure said hovel.
Cavalier Banks, in order to live up to their tagline at the
time, ‘If you have what it takes, you can have it all’ which was later borrowed
by the movie ‘Fast and Furious’, have been doling out cash using the highly rigorous and searching interview
technique shown below. Here is a typical transcript;
Man – ‘I earn $40,000 a year, what is a sensible loan
Bank – ‘We will loan you ’$320,000’
Man – ‘Awesome’
Bank – ‘Making dreams happen.’
People therefore started snapping up over priced gaffes just
for the halibut*
Suddenly, any fin was possible** and the economy went
Question 1
Assess the potential risks of this economic model
Is this a trick question?
Howard’s given me extra
I’ve just thrown a double and
invaded Russia
None of the above
All of the above
Meanwhile, banks, having apparently forgotten that they were
indirectly financing it, started investing money in the booming real estate
market. No one thought to check where all this money had suddenly come from.
Question 2
What happened next?
a) During a routine, ‘How much money
do we have’, meeting, they realised that a couple of columns on their ‘Profits’
spreadsheet had been hidden by an intern 2 years ago.
b) They floated a penny on the stock
exchange and it dropped.
c) Someone tried to get money out of
a cash point and complained when a moth flew out.
d) They tuned into an episode of Newsnight,
were scared witless by Paxman and decided to ‘fess up.
e) They realised the whole plan was a
total bust, that they only owned the Old Kent road card, were sent to jail and
didn’t collect £200.
*I reserve the right to make ONE fish pun
**Ok TWO.
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